Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Portraits in text and sound

For the next phase of the class, read all of Chapter 1, beginning on Page 38. we're going to spend a couple of weeks on this chapter. For Oct. 4 do Assignment 1 on page 126. Go to the website and listen to the Lunch Counter Waitress sound portrait. You may have to install realPlayer, but there's a link on the soundportrait website.

In your blog, write an extended essay that adresses the following:

• Why is it important to hear the story in the waitress' own words?
• Read the transcript - how is reading the transcript different from listening to the audio?
• Re-tell the story in your own words, as if you are writing to an audience that has never heard of the incident before. What details are important to capture?

Read and repond to your classmates.

The next assignment will be to do an exercise from the accompanying CD.


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